It is recommended that your staff be trained on your Drug and Alcohol (D&A) policy at least once a year. This annual training ensures that employees are aware of the company’s expectations regarding drug and alcohol use in the workplace and understand the consequences of violations. Regular training reinforces your business’s commitment to safety and ensures that both new and existing staff are up-to-date on the latest policy changes and compliance requirements.
For new hires, the D&A policy should be covered during their induction process to make sure they are fully informed from the start of their employment. Additionally, conducting refresher sessions or toolbox talks annually helps to remind staff of their duties and the importance of adhering to the policy. In industries where safety is critical, more frequent training sessions may be advisable, especially if there are changes in regulations or the work environment.
TruHealth Solutions provides training programs to help businesses ensure their staff are properly educated on the company’s D&A policy, ensuring compliance and promoting a safer workplace.