Coal Board Medical

Book a Coal Board Medical with TruHealth Solutions

At TruHealth Solutions, we know how important Coal Board Medicals are for keeping coal mine workers healthy and safe. We provide comprehensive coal board medical assessments across various locations, including our convenient Upper Coomera office. Our dedicated team of experienced medical professionals, including Examining Medical Officers (EMOs) and Appointed Medical Advisors (AMAs), are here to ensure that your assessments are accurate, timely, and fully compliant with industry standards.

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What Does a Coal Board Medical Involve?

A Coal Board Medical is a medical examination required for all coal mine workers. The Coal Mine WorkersHealth Scheme is important for protecting workers’ health and safety. It focuses on finding respiratory diseases early and ensuring workers are fit for their job. This assessment is more than just following rules; it’s about taking care of the hardworking individuals in tough situations.

The standard Coal Board Medical at TruHealth Solutions includes:

  • Vision Test: To ensure the worker meets the necessary visual standards, crucial for operating safely in a mine.
  • Spirometry Test: A lung function test to detect any respiratory disease, safeguarding against conditions like coal workers pneumoconiosis.
  • Respiratory Questionnaire: Gathering detailed information about the worker’s respiratory health to identify any early signs of illness.
  • Urinalysis: A routine test to check for any abnormalities, ensuring the worker’s overall health.
  • Hearing Test: To assess hearing capability, important in the noisy environment of a coal mine.
  • Cardiovascular Examination: Checking heart health and function to prevent any unforeseen issues during strenuous work.
  • Musculoskeletal Examination: Evaluating joint and muscle health, essential for the physical demands of mining work.
  • Abdomen Examination: To assess for any irregularities that could impact a worker’s ability to perform their job safely.
  • Skin Check: Checking your skin regularly is important. Look for any conditions or abnormalities. These issues could be made worse by your work environment.
  • Medical History Questionnaire: A comprehensive review of the worker’s medical history to provide a complete picture of their health.
  • ILO Chest X-ray: Required every five years to monitor lung health and detect conditions like coal workers pneumoconiosis. These X-rays meet international standards and are checked by approved Radiologists to make sure they are accurate.

Specific work sites during the Coal Board Medical may require additional testing for drugs and alcohol. There may be extra fees associated with this testing.

Booking Your Coal Board Medical

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After you schedule your appointment, we will arrange for your assessment to take place at a certified medical center. Once you schedule your appointment, we will set up your assessment at a certified medical center. The assessment will be conducted by a qualified EMO who understands the mining industry’s specific needs.

After you book, we will set up your assessment at a certified medical center. The assessment will be conducted by a registered EMO. The EMO is knowledgeable about the specific requirements of the mining industry.

ILO Chest X-ray and Lungscreen B-reader

Coal miners must get a chest X-ray every five years. This is to check for lung diseases like Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis. These X-rays are very important for finding problems early. Approved Radiologists use the best standards to check the results for accuracy.

Understanding Your Results

After your assessment, an AMA will complete a fitness summary report, known as ‘Section 4.’ This report shows if the worker is able to work, can work with restrictions, or cannot work.

The employer receives a summary of Section 4. The detailed Coal Board Medical results are kept private. They are only shared with the employee’s permission. This protects the employee’s privacy and control over their health information. This protects their privacy and control over their health information.

Employer Responsibilities and Important Notes

Employers must make sure coal mine workers have a Coal Board Medical every five years if they stay with the same employer. If an employee changes jobs, a new assessment may be necessary. Please note that it is the employer’s responsibility to cover the costs of these health assessments.

The employer or potential employer must arrange the Coal Board Medical. The worker cannot arrange it privately.

If a health problem is identified, the worker may be classified as fit with restrictions to mitigate health risks. Employers need to see if they can follow these rules to keep their employees healthy and obey the law. If you need a medical review, make sure to complete it on time to avoid issues with accessing the site. TruHealth Solutions can help with managing processes and ensuring compliance with regulations. This can relieve employers of the burden and provide them with peace of mind.

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Contact TruHealth Solutions

For comprehensive occupational health services, including Coal Board Medicals, trust TruHealth Solutions to deliver reliable and compliant assessments. Book your appointment today through our online portal or by calling us at 1300 546 632. Let us be your partner in protecting the health and safety of your workforce.