Rail Industry Workers, Category 1, 2 and 3 medicals.

Thorough Safety Evaluation for Rail Workers - Types 1, 2 & 3

At TruHealth, we understand the importance of rail safety workers being healthy to perform their job safely. Rail safety workers must maintain good health to ensure they can carry out their duties without any risks. Being in good health is crucial for rail safety workers to effectively and safely perform their job responsibilities.

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Categories of Rail Safety Workers Assessment

Three types of assessments are used to determine if rail safety workers are suitable for their role. The category chosen depends on how much a worker’s health affects the safety of others and the rail network.

All health assessments of rail safety workers in Australia are conducted in line with the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers.

Category 1 Rail Medicals

Category 1 Rail Medicals are for workers performing high-risk, safety-critical roles, like train operators or track machinery workers.

Rail operators accredit doctors and other health professionals to perform the assessments. Accredited health professionals then carry out the assessments using the Standard. Accordingly, TruHealth Solutions has accredited doctors and registered nurses across all Australian jurisdictions.

The Category 1 Rail Medical requires workers to fast the night before undertaking the pathology test. The medical includes the following:

  • Audiometry
  • Vision Testing
  • Musculoskeletal Screen
  • Medical History
  • Medical Examination
  • ECG
  • Fasting Lipid Profile (blood test)
  • Fasting Blood Glucose (blood test for diabetics).

Moreover, pre-placement and/or change of risk category health assessments may therefore include a drug screen, depending on the state/territory’s legislation and the rail transport operator’s requirements. Therefore, this Rail Medical can include an Instant Drug & Alcohol test if requested at an additional cost.

Furthermore, a periodic health assessment is conducted for Category 1 rail safety workers every:

  • 5 years until age 50
  • 2 years from age 50 to age 60
  • year from age 60 onwards

Category 2 Rail Medicals

The Category 2 Rail Medical is for workers who undertake safety critical work. 

This applies to workers who undertake safety critical work where sudden incapacity will not impact on the safety of the public or the rail network. Category 2 workers need to be fit for duty to ensure the safety of themselves and those around them. 

This medical category is assigned to any position that requires a high level of attentiveness, but sudden incapacity or collapse from ill health doesn’t endanger the rail network. Positions that require this medical include for example Signallers and Train Controllers, or individuals who may be working on a train platform. 


Rail operators accredit doctors and other health professionals to perform the assessments. Accredited health professionals then carry out the assessments using the Standard. Accordingly, TruHealth Solutions has accredited doctors and registered nurses across all Australian jurisdictions. 

The Category 2 Rail Medical includes the following: 

  • Audiometry 
  • Vision Testing 
  • Musculoskeletal Screen 
  • Medical History 
  • Medical Examination 

Moreover, pre-placement and/or change of risk category health assessments may therefore include a drug screen, depending on the state/territory’s legislation and the rail transport operator’s requirements. Therefore, this Rail Medical can include an Instant Drug & Alcohol test if requested at an additional cost. 

Furthermore, a periodic health assessment is conducted for Category 2 rail safety workers every: 

  • 5 years until age 50 (if aged 47-49 the expiry date is set to age 52) 
  • 2 years from age 50 to age 60 
  • year from age 60 onwards 

Category 3 Rail Medicals

The Category 3 Rail Medical is for Around the Track Person Workers. 

Around the Track Person Workers are also known as non-safety critical workers. Their ill health will not impact directly on the safety of the rail network or the public. As around the track personnel these workers are responsible for their own safety and the safety of fellow workers. A medical assessment will check the ability of a worker to walk in the rail corridor, work under supervision, and identify and move to a safe place. 

The Track Safety Health Assessment for ATTP (Category 3) focuses on medical conditions that could impact on a worker’s ability to detect and react quickly to an oncoming train or warnings. The assessment comprises eyesight and hearing tests, and an assessment to ensure safe mobility around the track, as well as a questionnaire to help identify any other serious conditions that could affect safety around the track. 

In short, the Category 3 rail medical is the minimum requirement to work within the rail corridor. 


Rail operators accredit doctors and other health professionals to perform the assessments. Accredited health professionals then carry out the assessments using the Standard. Most importantly,TruHealth Solutions has accredited doctors and registered nurses across all Australian jurisdictions. 

The medical includes an assessment of: 

  • Hearing (up to 2000 Hz) 
  • Vision 
  • Mobility 

Moreover, pre-placement and/or change of risk category health assessments may therefore include a drug screen, depending on the state/territory’s legislation and the rail transport operator’s requirements. Therefore, the TruHealth Solutions Category 3 Rail Medical include an Instant Drug & Alcohol test (or Laboratory Drug and Alcohol test if requested at an additional cost). 

Service Steps

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To book an appointment, call us at 1300 062 975. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete all required documents and read over our information sheet. Assessments typically last between 30-60 minutes.

When testing is conducted at your workplace, TruHealth will provide an appointment run sheet to coordinate times. Each test typically lasts 30-60 minutes; however, some workers may require additional appointments to complete a comprehensive evaluation.

Individuals taking their test at a TruHealth clinic will receive both SMS and email reminders regarding their scheduled appointment.

Why TruHealth?

TruHealth assesses rail safety workers to make sure they are healthy for their jobs, protecting the rail network and the public. Choosing TruHealth as your provider means investing in employee health and wellbeing.

Ensuring Safety

Preserving the safety of rail transport operators is paramount. Our medical assessments include exhaustive physical exams that identify any medical conditions that might cause sudden incapacity or collapse, ultimately safeguarding the rail network.

Rail safety medicals follow national standards to evaluate the health and fitness of rail workers. These tests cover different medical areas and help train operators make sure their employees can do their jobs safely.

Assessing rail safety involves evaluating workers’ abilities to execute safety-critical tasks effectively. Pre-employment screening is vital in identifying any health concerns that could impede performance. Professionals familiar with the medical requirements for rail workers carry out our assessments in Australia.

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Ready to Guarantee Safety?

Looking to safeguard the wellbeing and fitness of your rail safety workers? Schedule your comprehensive rail safety workers assessment with TruHealth now! For more information or to book an appointment, call 1300 062 975 or visit one of our clinics. Our knowledgeable team is on hand to assist in creating a safer work environment.